Venmo @seansntpod to have your comment read on the show!

AITA Episodes Posts

July 14, 2022

Am I The Asshole For Staying On Birth Control Even Though My Husband Wants Another Baby?

I am married, and my husband of five years wants to have another baby. My last pregnancy was traumatic; my son was born at 23 weeks out of the regular 40 weeks you usually carry a baby. Our miracle baby is now three, and my husband is hinting at wan…

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July 8, 2022

AITA for being upset that Fortnite stopped my BF from helping me?

Me 26F and my boyfriend 33M are gamers so I understand not wanting to quit a game halfway through.  One day I went to Walmart to pick up our dinner. I called him when I was 10 minutes away asking if he could help me with the bags. I had our In…

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June 16, 2022

Am I (29f) the asshole for insinuating my gf(29f) rehome her cat?

My gf moved in with me two months ago. I rent a house (1000 sq ft), we have seperate rooms and my kids have their own room. I also have two cats and a dog. It's already a lot of people and animals for a small amount of space. She brought her cat wit…

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June 16, 2022

Am I the ass hole for refusing to pay everyone’s phone bill and only paying my part after a year and a half?

Back story: I 17 male and my sister 28 male came into the agreement that I would pay for my phone and my mom's phone on my sisters phone plan when I start working on February 23 2021. The bill for me and my mom was about 160$ which I was okay with c…

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June 16, 2022

Am I the asshole for refusing to be around my husband's grandparents, and keeping my kids away from them too?

I (26 F) and my husband (31 M) have two children, a daughter who is 2 and a son who was born in February. My husband's family is very Catholic, and his grandparents are the most devout.  When my husband and I had our daughter, we were not marr…

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June 2, 2022

Am I The Asshole for the way I, 17NB, treat my 54F mother?

A quick summary, my mother and I have not had a good relationship for quite some years. Almost 11. It started when my nephew was born and he only just turned 11 on the 29th of April 2022.  Since then, my mother has taken her frustrations out o…

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June 2, 2022

AITA for not talking to my friend anymore after a bad experience with her business?

I (F39) have known my friend since middle school. She was one of my bullies. But during high school we became good friends and she even was a bridesmaid at my first wedding. My marriage was chaotic and ended up in a divorce. I needed a friend during…

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June 2, 2022

Am I the asshole for being disgusted that my sister is dating my ex?

 I 17 F and my sister 18 F use to be really close until she started hanging out with a group of people ( including the ex) she has been weird and distance with me for some reason and I finally figured out today. I had a feeling that she was tal…

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June 2, 2022

Am I (18F, at the point of the story 17) the asshole for not letting my bf see his fam during the pandemic?

My (now ex) boyfriend M21 always had a difficult relationship with his family. Since we started dating, it got better and with my pregnancy it got really good. Our baby was always a tiny and light baby. When I gave birth to our little princess, we…

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May 26, 2022

AITA for cutting off my in-laws for not inviting me to DisneyLand?

I’ve been with my husband for 18 years, we have two children together. We are successful, have great jobs, own our own house and have worked hard as we started with nothing and have built a great life together. My sister in laws have partners …

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