Venmo @seansntpod to have your comment read on the show!

AITA Episodes Posts

May 26, 2022

AITA for being mad about a surprise party?

At the time I (29F) had been dating my then bf (25M) for two years. We were both living with our parents, basically broke, and I had just opened a business with two friends ("Ellie" 28F, "Janet" 26F) - we were in debt, looking at a few difficult mon…

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May 26, 2022

Would I be the asshole if I didn't read my friend's sequel?

My (20's F) friend (30's M), we will call him "Jesse", started writing a short story several years ago. Over the years, he would occasionally ask if I had any interest in reading it, to which I would say yes. Every time I attempted to read it, I wou…

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