Reddit On Wiki

Almost 4 stars

I originally found your clips on TikTok, and shortly switched over to listening to your podcast regularly on Spotify while I'm at work. Soon after I began to send episodes I would listen to, to my girlfriend and we'd talk about the stories. Now I am a patron and we'll watch episodes together when given the opportunity.

After listening to a couple patron shout outs I noticed that Shon was pronouncing my name wrong. So I was going to give you 4 stars, but Sean did say my name correctly on this last episode and gave me a little nod. So 5 stars and not spelling Shon's name wrong as a joke.

Very much enjoy the show. Sean is my favorite, as a fellow drinker myself. Also I think it's hilarious that John and Sean pretend that Josh is racist as my friends and I do the exact same thing to the one white guy in our group chat.

Looking forward to more content,


July 10, 2023 by Teall Lane on This Website

Reddit On Wiki