Reddit On Wiki

If John’s not your favorite, you are whack.

These guys are unicorns. It’s so rare to find a group of guys that aren’t infiltrated with gym bros, trumpsters, nice guys, etc. These guys are respectful, accepting, acknowledge emotions, they believe in equal rights, and stand up for social justice. So many men on social are no where near reaching this high bar (the bar should NEVER be on the floor, ladies), but the Reddit on Wiki guys do. Thanks for what you do and for not being dicks. 😂 You give me hope that there are more of these fantastic unicorns out there for all the amazing and deserving ladies (and gents).

Additionally- John is clearly the favorite. The man has puns for days. What more could you need? (Sean, the way you say “Jesus Christ” when he makes a pun makes me lol every time.)

July 7, 2023 by Krissy S. on This Website

Reddit On Wiki